(#006)_A painting speaks – Maurice de Vlaminck’s “La Seine à Chatou”

What makes this a good painting? by Dieter Michael Feurich (#006)_A Painting speaks – Maurice de Vlaminck’s “La Seine à Chatou” Maurice de Vlaminck | 1906 | La Seine à Chatou...

(#005)_A brief Conversation about Seeing and Art

A Thought on Art… by Dieter Michael Feurich A brief Conversation about Seeing and Art Tino: The park was so beautiful today. I took lots of pictures of the trees, their trunks and branches, with...

(#004)_Rembrandt_Abraham’s Sacrifice

A Thought on Art… by Dieter Michael Feurich Rembrandt: Abraham’s Sacrifice (Etching in the Metropolitan Museum, New York City) I came across the etching “Abraham’s...

(#003)_Paula Modersohn-Becker_Still life with Sunflowers, Hollyhocks and Dahlias

What makes this a good painting? by Dieter Michael Feurich Paula Modersohn-Becker: Still Life with Sunflowers, Hollyhocks and Dahlias Modersohn-Becker painted the vase before a translucent background...

(#002)_Thiago Boecan_EC20-F2

What makes this a good painting? by Dieter Michael Feurich Thiago Boecan: EC20-F2 The heading of this post category “What makes this a good painting?” implies that EC20-F2 is a good...

(#001)_Introductory post / Munch

What makes this a good painting? by Dieter Michael Feurich Introductory Post A good painting is good whether we particularly like it or not. In fact, the expressions ‘I like’ or worse...