printemps 1 and 2


Print | Ink on Paper | 6″ x 4.5″

Hey, what’s happening?


I have been reading this 1950 book about Paul Klee by Werner Haftmann [out of print, I am sure]. Boy, is that guy able to explore the depths of Klee’s artistic thinking – or artistic thinking in general for that matter. 

There is a chapter called “Geburt des Bildes” – ‘Birth of the Picture’. In it, Haftmann traces how a Klee painting might have come into being, how it might develop out of a large collection, a treasure chest if you will, of experiences and impressions, accumulated and consolidated over a long period of time such that those experiences – evaluated and filtered as it were – have become part of the artistic ‘self’.

I totally buy that; in fact, my welcome statement on my website says something along those lines.


What do you think of this print, I call it “Printemps”? I made two color versions of it. 

I think your “Moon” watercolor is great. How did you get those crisp lines?

Later, man.
